As the seasons cycle, the same sorts of flowers will bloom again this year.
No matter where they are, the presence of plants brings a powerful flow to that place.
The beauty and ephemeral nature of plant life impresses on us their characteristic grace as beings with unique lives that seem to enliven spaces, above all, the daubed walls of a tea ceremony room.
Among Rikyu’s anecdotes there is this.
Having been ordered to “try arranging a single red plum branch” in a water bowl sitting on the floor, Rikyu held the red plum branch upside down and promptly drew it through his hand into the bowl. The petals and buds intermingled as they fell onto the water, floating, creating an indescribable beauty, so the anecdote goes.
With this treatment of just a single branch, we discover the first ever "spring".
Discovering worth in things we can’t see, revealing new scenes: this too is another of Mitate’s pursuits.
Our desire is to go on seeking as yet unseen landscapes with sensitivity to the seasons’ cycles, attending to each branch, one at a time.
And all the while, we hope that cycle begins flowing in people’s lives as well.